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Swetugg 2023 – Recap

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Another year, another Swetugg. Once again, I had the joy of being able to participate in one of the biggest .NET conferences, taking place in a very nice venue in Stockholm and with amazing speakers and sessions. Attending conferences is one of the nicest things I know and it really helps me stay motivated and curious. Not to the mention that I learn a bunch of new things and get inspired to try new technologies of frameworks. This year’s Swetugg did not fall short and here’s a list of the sessions I enjoyed the most:

10 things about UX and Design that every developer should know – by Danwei Tran Luciani

Swetugg 2023 - Danwei Tran Luciani

That was a strong one! Danwei is an excellent speaker and that session was far beyond anything I had heard before. Insights like to treat a bug as a bug and debt as debt (which affects which task should be solved first), and that it’s us for them (developers & designer, for the client) were particularly interesting.

Introduction to .NET MAUI – by Maddy Montaquila

Swetugg 2023 - Maddy Montaquila

Hands down, the most impressive one! What a performance by Maddy Montaquila, Program Manager for .NET MAUI at Microsoft. A very senior profile which I have watched in so many videos and finally had the chance to see in-person. I did feel like a privilege to be able to watch this session live. Not only did Maddy deliver a breathtaking presentation but I even got for the first time really curious about .NET MAUI.

Real-time Connected Apps with .NET MAUI, Blazor and SignalR – by Gerald Versluis

The second .NET MAUI session I attended was that of Gerard Versluis who works as a Senior Software Engineer at Microsoft. This time it was SignalR which caught my attention and how well it plays alongside Blazor and .NET MAUI.

Pre-flight checks for the Cloud – by Magnus Mårtensson

Magnus is one of my favorite speakers and I never miss the chance to attend his sessions. This was the 4th time I attend one of his sessions and this was a non-technical one. Magnus shared some priceless insights deriving from his experiences over the years with various clients of his. The one shown in the image, is the one I liked the most. Introducing change is amazing, yet overwhelming for some. We should not neglect the people who kept the ship on track over the years, before us becoming captains.

I’m just trying to keep my head above water – by Chris Klug

I can’t find the words to describe my feelings about this session. Chris is real badass and I am glad I attended this session as it made me feel that I am not the only one with these worries.

I also enjoyed…

Kristina Devochko’s session (Standardizing microservice-to-aks workflow with dotnet custom templates and Azure DevOps)! Her demo-heavy and very detailed, yet easily digestible session, helped me get a good perspective on Dotnet Custom Templates which I had missed up to now.

Jonah Andersson held a session Azure IoT Cloud Development where she showed us the Azure IoT Dev Kit which I will definitely acquire and play with!

Last but not least, I wouldn’t miss the chance to attend Jimmy Engström‘s session (How I built a ZX Spectrum emulator from scratch using C# and Blazor). In my humble opinion, Jimmy is a fantastic speaker and I try to learn as much as I can from him. Also his session is a blast.

Overall, it was a fantastic conference, 2 days full of .NET and interacting with awesome people. Can’t wait for Swetugg 2024.

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