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Cloudburst, Copenhagen, 2022-10-26

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Today was an awesome day as I had the pleasure to attend the Cloudburst event in Copenhagen, organized by the Azure Usergroup Denmark. A full squad of Microsoft MVPs and Microsoft employees delivered a number of instructive and very interesting sessions. Here comes a summary of the most important points I collected from each session:

Five best Azure Access Control practices by Magnus Mårtensson – Azure MVP / Regional Director.

Magnus reminded us of features available in Azure AD and their importance in keeping our Azure solutions secure and well governed. I won’t leak the 5 best practices but I will say that PIM and minimum access take us a long way.

Deep dive into Azure Durable Functions by Joonas Westlin Azure Architect/Developer and Azure MVP at Zure Ltd

Yet another great session on a subject that I have spent many hours on. What I’ll keep from this one is that there is a way to avoid the inevitable log-choking and it is to create a ReplaySafeLogger like this:

logger = context.CreateReplaySafeLogger(logger);

If only I knew this a year ago…

The latest and greatest from Azure Service Bus by Eldert Grootenboer – Senior Program Manager @Microsoft | #Azure Service Bus | Former #Azure MVP | Community Enthousiast

That one was my favorite! It is no secret that I am a passionate user of the Service Bus and that I was very excited to meet Eldert in person (he’s a great guy by the way). Two of the new features on Service Bus, that drew my attention are:

  1. Minimum TLS picker. We used to start with 1.0 and then had to explicitly ask Microsoft to shift this to 1.2 but now one can change it without having to contact Microsoft.
  2. Scaling partitions and local store (public preview). Available in the Premium tier and designed for high throughput scenarios.

Regarding the local emulator, which all developers passionate ask for, Eldert explained the reasons why this is not easy to implement.

A Match Made in The Cloud: Container Apps + Dapr by Alex Mang – Microsoft Regional Director and Most Valuable Professional

Alex is a fantastic performer. His presentation was incredible, he was very well prepared and had all answers to every question. Big part of his session went to describe Dapr and why Alex thinks that it’s here to stay with all the advantages it offers. At first I was curious, but now Dapr has my attention and I will look more into it. Also i loved that he started his presentation with images from the Mercedes museum in Stuttgart!

The Fifth Element : Azure Secure Devops by Mike Martin – Dad, Husband, Geek, NumberGirl, msft technical evangelist, #Azure Lover and ex MVP, wall crawler, #Batman fan, Caring Community Member

A very good presentation indeed and he covered a wide area of security matters. A great recap for me, matching my passion for cyber security. The one thing I will keep and start using is the MSAT, Microst Security Assessment Tool. I have already used it once during my Masters but I was not aware of the Azure features it offers.

Azure Well Architected Framework in Action by Marilag Dimatulac – Solutions Architect – Dewise | Microsoft Azure MVP | Founder

The last session I watched for the day. Marilag was (likewise the other presenters) very well prepared and shared with us useful insights regarding both cloud architecture (using the Azure Well-Architected-Framework – WAF) and the various roles in a team consisting of Enterprise Architect (the person who makes all the crucial decisions that will follow the project throughout its lifecycle), Solution architect (the person that will design the solution in terms of components), Cloud architect (the Jack of all trades who assists everybody with their tasks and possesses knowledge of all areas), Developer (the person/people who develops the various products) & Tech Lead (the person who makes sure that all the design decisions are being applied).

Look ma, no passwords – using Azure SQL with App Service and Azure Active Directory by Erik Ejlskov Jensen – .NET Data and Entity Framework expert, Cloud developer

Unfortunately I could not attend this session but the title made it sound very promising!

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