
Azure Service Bus – Bicep template

Provisioning resources on Azure can be intimidating and Azure Service Bus can get quite complex. I have now published a repo containing all IaC you need to deploy what, in my humble opinion, is a good start to full fletched Azure Service Bus.


Upon deploying, you will get:

  1. A resource group, which contains
  2. An Azure Service Bus Namespace, which contains
  3. An Azure Service Bus Queue (used as DeadLetterQueue)
  4. An Azure Service Bus Topic, which contains
  5. Two Azure Service Bus Topic Subscriptions (one with filter and one without).
  6. Two Authorization Rules on Topic level (one for send, one for listen).

Starting there you can play with the queues, topics and subscription to get the deployment that covers your needs. Don’t forget to edit the parameters! Enjoy 🙂

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